Movies: Loopers
Its been a long time since i last reviewed a movie... hahah it was probably cause of work and also lack of time to catch movies... BUT I HAVENT disappeared from the world! And although i did recently see shows like the assassin but nothing really that amazing for me to review because those movies were already towards the end of the running time and stuff...
Either way, heres a movie that I saw in place of Resident Evil that i wanted to see.. and a particular other movie that i cannot recall that also ended its running before i could see it.
So what was this show supposed to be about? I did actually manage to see some sort of trailer before i saw the movie proper, and as trailer goes, guy with shotgun, time travel, many scenes of shooting.. anyone would conclude that this should be a action flick with some time travelling elements.. In fact I was even thinking this could be like Jumper.... well..... Read on to find out if it was true....
Storyline 4/5
This is the kind of show that tries to intrigue you with the different world. It introduces you a new world with new concepts, new ideas, new lifestyles and new way of living. In this world, the future and the past are somewhat interacting together in a very interesting manner of body disposal.
Then it starts to add that since its only 30 years into the future, people that exist now are most likely existing 30 years into the future... which means that... YOU COULD THEORETICALLY KILL YOURSELF!
And thats how the show manages to last for the entire 2 hrs plus of the show.. i didnt really find out how long the movie was, but it did feel long.. whether long as in draggy, or long as in too much content.. that will actually depend on one factor.
Are you here to see an action flick, or a show with a interesting concept. So if you are here for the action bit... this movie will become draggy... because unlike the trailer, this movie is actually more focused on telling the story.
That being said, the story does not end up being too draggy for those who enjoy a new world because this movie talks about gangs, telekinetic powers, time travel and even put in some teachings about what is really important to a person and how it would drive someone to do extreme things. Because of that, the movie does have sufficient content to prevent it from being draggy or bland storywise. But for action, you got to look somewhere else.
Characters 3.5/5
The main characters should number about 2. They are the two guys on the poster on top. What this movie then moves on to do is that it introduces characters along the way so that most of the side characters are only present in either the first half or the last half of the movie. This is probably because of the way the director wants to tell the story but as a result, for the side characters who do play important story line roles, it is a bit harder to feel too much connection to them or really understand why they do the things they do because they are not present for the entire show.
The two main characters however, because the story focuses so much on them.. its easier to feel what they feel and understand why they do things. They also do have some characters to add to comedic value so overall it is a pretty good job.
Cinematography 3.5/5
There are some good attempts to use perspective shots for the show and there are quite a few nice scenes in the movie. Aside from that, the movie pacing is also pretty good considering how much they want to show in the time allocated for them. That helps to make the show feel flowy and not overly draggy. However, there will be little bit of confusion because of the time travelling element that is common for many of these types of shows. But overall, the movie does put in effort to try to explain the story to the audience so that they will not completely be lost.. That being said, my companion still got lost by the storyline so if you do not really want to think during the show, you probably will not enjoy it much.
Also, there is one particular actor at the 2nd half of the show that adds alot of entertainment value because of the way he acts. However, to reveal who he is it would spoil the surprise of the show so i am going to have to leave it at that.
Music 3/5
There was some usage of music to add familiarity to the show, i.e to be playing our oldies or more western songs that we would have heard a long time back to contrast the past with the future. But besides that, there is nothing too unique about the music choices and it is on the whole pretty forgettable.
Spectacle 4/5
Finally, for the spectacle part, I have to be clear with you. If you expect to see an action movie and just enjoy the scenes, you will be sorely disappointed and this is clearly a show you should not see. Unless, you do have some appreciation for time travel, and also are willing to think and draw the lines between past person to future effects and then you can enjoy the show. This should have been the way the show was marketed and not using action scenes like some kind of action flick. On that aspect however, the show does a pretty good job of making the show entertaining till the end with the introduction of fresh concepts slowly during the show and not everything at one go.
Storyline : 4 (Different storyline even when you compare with other time travelling show)
Characters : 3.5 (2 main characters but the rest are really a bit too shallow)
Cinematography : 3.5 (Good attempts at shots, perspective story telling, good actors but slightly confusing)
Music : 3 (Normal music, did have attempts)
Spectacle : 4 (Its a different take to the time travel genre whereby the time travelling guy comes back into the past instead... so its a pretty fresh take and interesting introduction to a new world.. But this is no action movie)
Overall : 3.6 (A good attempt into the time genre sci fi genre that is able to stay interesting right from the beginning all the way to the end. For those who are going to see it, as long as you already know that this is not a true blue action flick, and are willing to go for the story, this movie should be able to keep you entertained for a fair amount of your time. Just be prepared for the slight headache that might come with too much thinking and understanding the whole flow of the story)
So hopefully i can get back into writing reviews if i have the time:) Tell me if you have any other movies that I should watch :)