Friday, May 23, 2014

Movies: X-men Days of Future Past

Movies: X-men Days of Future Past

Finally! The next installment to the xmen franchise has arrived. This follows a list of about 7 movies, namely X-men, X2, X-men The Last Stand, X-men Origins Wolverine, X-men First Class, The Wolverine. Basically, if you are looking for movies that are X-men related, just search for all the movies with Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine and that would be it. As long as he is in the movie it is a related movie already. Do remember that the avengers world which is Iron man, Thor and Captain America are also related in some far way to X-men. Even the Fantastic Four and Spiderman are all related as they are from the Marvel Franchise.

Nonetheless how has this new movie performed? Read on to find out!

Heres the movie and pretty much the two mainmainmain characters

Storyline 4.5/5

I would say that especially for Marvel fans you are going to like this movie for the story line. It takes into account every single movie that has happened before this and yet in the end it does something that impacts all the previous movies. No spoilers here but really. It gets you thinking.

For those who do not follow Marvel however it is not that bad also cause the main gist of the storyline is not hard to follow with the objective being very clear from the beginning and aiming to reach the objective for the rest of the movie.

There is some thinking involved during the movie thanks to mystique and her shape-shifting prowess but nothing too hard to follow even for those not into the Marvel world.

However to be honest, to truly enjoy all the smart additions and salutes to the previous episodes, see the earlier movies by whatever means necessary. Call your friends and relatives for a sleep over cum movie night. You will see and draw links all over to the previous movie that you have seen and feel more entertained and fulfilled when you spot the links.

Characters 4/5

The x-men universe is so full of unique characters with personalities that you cannot really honestly expect any movie to introduce all of them in greater detail. This is even more evident when you realize that some characters in the movie, you might not even know his or her name. Thankfully for x-men, people generally just want to see their powers and as a result the movie can still cater to all the audience members whether they are fans or not.

An advert of the movie
See the poster above, well of all these characters, actually two of them practically just appeared for seconds. In fact... One of them on the left really literally appeared for just 3 secs. See if you know who. I also dont really remember seeing the person on the furthest left during the entire movie...So thats the problem with the X-men universe as it has too many characters that might drown off a person new to the franchise. 

There are easily another 5 characters that have substantial amount of screen time in this movie but have No lines. They just come in and show off their power and then something will happen to them... TWICE. Shall not spoil the movie and let you go see it for yourself but it is pretty funny, entertaining and sometimes even sad. Still it adds a lot to this movie. You will understand when you see it.

Cinematography 4.5/5

The movie starts off strong and shows off the varied abilities of the mutants from the get go. It then moves on to the main idea of the storyline and within the line, additional characters are shown using their powers in their own unique way.

This is where the Cinematography comes into play. There will be one scene at the earlier half of the movie where they will utilize all the tricks of the camera to highlight the true power that some mutants will have. The movie does this a few more times such as how it highlights Magneto's and Storm's immense power over metal as well as how the x-men uses their teamwork to "overcome" the odds in their own fights. 

There are a lot of epic shots as well as good fighting scenes although obviously they could be much longer to show off more. 

Music 4/5

There are some fantastic use of music to the movie that really adds to the entertainment value of the movie. You will be immersed in good surround sound to show off the impact of every mutant power during the movie and that makes the movie that much more enjoyable. Its this kind of sound effects that you must go to the theatre to experience and its a lot more expensive to try to do up at home. So do yourself a favor if you love action movies and see it in the theatres.

Spectacle 4.5/5

The storyline for X-men is strong and in terms of action and fight scenes, it does it very very well. The whole time limited idea of the movie also adds to the edge of your seat experience that adds a lot to the fun of the movie. Add to that the introduction of many new characters with wide and varied powers even if only for a short stint, the movie will keep you entertained. It did get slightly dry towards the center but the great start and exciting end makes up for the entire movie.

I would say for those who have seen the previous x-men movies, it adds a lot of additional value to the movie as you can see how some of the movies started or ended up the way they did and you will have a very complete or better view over the movie. Further more, some of the things that happened during the movie seems to be preparing the viewer for the future movies so if ever u are gonna see the future movies, you will probably benefit from seeing this one. Hence there is really no reason to skip this movie especially since it falls under the most generic action genre coupled with a good storyline. Also given its long show time, it is also money well spent.

Its a movie that gives its viewer all they would want, and more.

Storyline: 4.5 (Exciting storyline that has its fair share of twists thanks to Mystique. Even for non-fans, its easy to follow)
Character: 4 (Many new characters with exciting powers revealed. Unfortunate that some names are not even mentioned. But of course that might take too much extra and unnecessary time?)
Cinematography: 4.5 (Good shots and angles to make the movie even more immersive and exciting)
Music: 4 (Good music that adds strong movie going value to the audience)
Spectacle: 4.5 (For fans, a definite watch. For action lovers it does well in its aspects also. Even storyline is not shabby)

Overall: 4.3 (A movie that only flaws is due to its time limitation but it is pretty impossible to try to improve on one without affecting another aspect for example improve on character development without harming how exciting the movie is. Fans of the movies must see this show and for 2 hours plus show time, its a easy movie to see even if you dont like the genre. You can even go in with expectation and the movie will most likely deliver. 

But to truly enjoy this movie, I repeat again, consider seeing all the previous episodes first cause they really add a lot of value in terms of knowing the world, knowing the characters and the struggle they face. Go ahead and plan when to see this movie, you should be able to enjoy it.)

Also note that there IS an after credits scene as per Marvel movie tradition so stay till the very end. By very end i mean SIT ON THE CHAIR TILL THE LIGHTS COME ON!

Have fun!

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