Sunday, October 5, 2014

Movies: Dracula Untold

Movies: Dracula Untold

Dracula! A story that has been told many ways, and sometimes it is confusing whether he is really real or not. He has been remade in games and is probably one of the clearer examples and origins of the common vampires that spawned shows like twilight. Nonetheless, with a name like Dracula Untold, is it really different and worth watching?!?!

For those who don't know, this is one iteration of dracula

Here is cartoon dracula

Well, fortunately for us today, our dracula is movie version dracula

but just for good measure here is another dracula

Here is game version dracula

Handsome little fella huh! but next question to ask is, is this Dracula story really an untold story? Lets read on and find out, especially since the answer is covered in the next section!

Storyline 4/5

I can't spoil the story for you because this movie story is quite a bit of fun. Nonetheless, lets say that this dracula tells a different story from what we usually believe and understand, just like how maleficent made us sympathize with the witch! Yep it is that kind of retelling of the story. But of course being made not by Disney, this movie will contain just a bit less lovey dovey or cutsie stuff.

The other point about this movie is that it focus on how Dracula came to become the person he is known by us to be and the "struggles" he met along the way. So it is more character development focused and the various twists and turns along the way makes it interesting to the end of this 93 mins flick.

Last point to praise is that this movie actually had many stops where they could very well have ended the movie there and then, however, this movie will then go on just that step further before reaching another possible ending spot and going on that step further again. As a result, this movie feels longer then it actually is because you get the feeling that "oh there is something more".

Character 3/5

Unfortunately for this movie though, the character development was not too well done and too greatly carried out. The first part of the movie (20 mins) was particularly for character building but it felt a bit draggy. Once it got to the action scenes however, it would be a bit more interesting but then in action scenes there is little character development.

Most of the development is on Dracula which is done above average well with only slight unbelievable or incoherent sections. However this meant that everyone else was greatly neglected and in essence its true. Almost everyone else in this movie would be someone unimportant and minor and you will not really feel for any of them.

Cinematography 4/5

Cinematography for this movie was done well. There are a few of exciting and impactful action sequences with good use of high shots and perspective shots to bring across the action flavor. It is almost towards 300 standards in terms of action sequences BUT it is highly lacking in the amount of action sequences. Most sequences could have really gone on much longer to show more of the power of Dracula and make it even more action packed.

Nonetheless given the short time frame, I would say the scenes and shots are done above average standards and will give you fair bit of entertainment and wow factors. That till you realised that they could have done so much more.

Just note that because Dracula only fights at night, some fight scenes might be too fast and too dark... not too many of them thankfully

Music 4/5

Music in this movie was there and it did have quite a positive impact in the overall feel of the movie. You can definitely feel that the music was helping this movie.

Spectacle 4/5

Storyline was good and flowing and it was kept exciting with enough twists and turns. Although there were slow sections especially in the beginning of the movie and some illogical portions of the movie and other aspects were not fully and properly explained. But nonetheless the gist and main purpose of the story line would keep you intrigued.

Action wise was also well done with good shots and sufficient scenes. So doing both well puts this movie above average on the spectacle department.


Storyline 4 (Sufficient twists and turns to keep the movie exciting)
Character 3 (Main character is focus of character development but not done completely well, all other characters feel slightly neglected)
Cinematography 4 (Good shots for actions overall, just a bit too few shots)
Music 4 (Present and adds a bit of immersion to movie)
Spectacle 4 (Action and story line segments are done well above average but still not excellent yet, still to do these two sections well it is pretty good entertainment value overall) 

Overall 3.8 (Overall 3.8 is a pretty fair score. Its a see able show, somewhat short but has sufficient entertainment value to be worth the time and money. Anyway it is only 93 mins long so it's not that big a investment. Action lovers and storyline lovers will be fine with the plot and the bit of action it brings. It should be fresh for most people giving the unique angle by which they are recreating the story.)

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