Sunday, September 25, 2011

Movies: Johnny English Reborn

Movies: Johnny English Reborn


Ah the classic Rowan Atkinson.... for the uninformed, this is the same guy as,

Mr Bean!!! haha unfortunately, teddy doesn't make a guest appearance in the entirety of the show and in this movie alone Rowan Atkinson has more lines in his script then all the spoken lines he has in his Mr Bean series put together.

Fortunately, the very face of Mr Bean brings adds much to the comedic value of the show, and comments from some people have highlighted that this show is even better then the prequel in terms of entertainment value.

With regards to this show being a sequel, there may be questions asked whether the first movie should be seen first to understand the storyline, but to be honest, I completely forgot about what happened in the first movie and still managed to enjoy the show so the content should be pretty much stand alone. 

Now into the review proper.


Being a comedy, the storyline generally ain't supposed to be too serious, however Johnny English Reborn does make an effort to make sure that things are not merely added just to be funny with no relevance to the storyline. Hence it is good to note that all the funny things that you see right from the start does have some significance to the storyline. 

Also the plot in general is pretty light hearted but believable as far as a comedy goes and alot of the jokes are based on the innocent nature of Johnny English and how he reacts to normal situations that we might meet with or situations that we see in our usual movies and turns it from cliche into funny situations. 


So the character development is pretty light hearted and fun, the show doesnt put its focus solely on Johnny all the time and there is quite a bit of entertainment value to be sought from people like his trusty sidekick, as well as the mysterious old lady that I shall not elaborate on too much till i spoil the fun for others.

Do have a slight qualm though... I kinda feel that Rowan Akitson is kinda old already with his white hair and all... too old to be having that kinda relationship with such a young woman... but this is merely an opinion and i do hope to see him in more movies after this one.


I would say that the Cinematography for this show is surprisingly good. There are many good shots that are taken from angles that particularly add a lot more entertainment and laughter for the show as it put things into our everyday perspective and helps us identify with the situations.


The music in this show is generally good and adds the atmosphere of light heartedness to the show. But as usual in my personal opinion the music is not really the most important part in this genre so there is nothing particularly remarkable about it. Does its job well and doesn't hinder the show in anyway/


For a comedy, it blends together the story lines, the jokes and Rowan's great comedic faces together to bring about a show that is good for laughs from the beginning to the end. To be able to keep people laughing from the beginning to the end is actually not a simple task for a comedy as people do get bored at seeing a repeat of the same types of jokes if it is overused and this is not the case for this show. 

I do have a feeling that people who are not familiar with the Mr Bean character may not be as entertained as people who do know him, but since the show is not entirely just Mr Bean being funny, the show should still be able to charm people who do not know him in that persona.


Plot                        : 4.5 (Storyline plausible, but doesnt do any redundancies just for the sake of it)
Character               : 4 (Many Characters and all most add to the comedic value of the show)
Cinematography      : 4.5 (I personally feel that a lot of laughter was derived because of the angle which certain situations was displayed by)
Music                     : 4 (Good enough, doesn't hinder the show)
Spectacle                : 4.5 (Does what it does very well, keeping people entertained from start to end)

Overall                   : 4.3 (Does well to keep itself above the competition in the genre, anyone should be able to derive a good laugh if they know what to expect, which is just to enjoy the show)

Any comments feel free to voice em :)

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