Friday, October 14, 2011

Movies: Real Steel

Movies: Real Steel


Transformer meets the shredding claws of wolverine!!!! That's what this show is about....

Unfortunately, Hugh Jackman is not the all cool wolverine in this show, and neither are the robots able to transform. None the less, this is probably one of the more popular movies out in the theaters currently and rightly so, with its strong story line and pretty good cast.

For those who really for a moment thought that this was a mash up of x-men and transformers, this is the real synopsis of the show and what you should be expecting. In the not so far future, boxing has been replaced by boxing with robots and the story follows the struggle of the character Jackman plays, as he tries other robots while babysiting his son who has a knack and attachment for one other robot and basically how the relationship grows while the boxing action gets more and more intense.

A good genre to put this show under would be action and drama at the same time. And as seen from previous other shows, the combination of these two genres is lethal. (Read best way to make money as it attracts the largest audience)

Without further adu, lets move into the judgment ring.....


The storyline is pretty fresh, a combination of what guys like i.e. action packed robot on robot action, with a fair bit of what girls would like i.e. the relationship between a father and his son and how it develops. But of course if in your mind you keep thinking of transformer action, you won't see it here and if you think of some real emotional backstory and great development you are really seeing the wrong show.

None the less, the show makes a daring effort on both fronts and for the most part come out pretty convincingly. It also makes full use of the 2 hours and doesn't seem overly draggy just for the sake of length. In fact there could be very well be a 3 hour version that fleshes out the story and characters more and it would still not seem boring. Pity because of the lack of time, the back and side stories are not as explored as I personally would have liked.


Characterwise, the staring roles are played mostly pretty convincing. Hugh's character and acting is fantastic considering how more used i am to seeing him slashing people around. But he acts like a pretty convincing father on both end of the spectrum from good to bad dad.

To be honest, I didn't really like the little boy's acting although its probably more of a script thing then the way he acted. He acted the part pretty well, but I still find it pretty strange would carry out certain actions in the movie. I guess maybe in that timeline, the kids are really different.

The robots for the most part are pretty varied and they represent their backgrounds very well in the show. Only grouse is in the short time frame, we see too little of the various bots with there being only like 5 major robots in this show with significant parts. In the end the robots are also pretty generic in the ways they fight with perhaps the only difference that is significant being the control methods. 

Theres also too little of him....

There are also some characters that have TOO little value despite being in the show. Like the woman.... there was opportunity of a better improved storyline but I guess there was too much content in this show as time had to be set aside to build up the emotional part of the show.


Cinematography is good, able to capture the atmosphere of most of the show and there are a few well done shots to help build up the emotional attachment to the characters of the show. Angles are good to put perspective and immersiveness of the audience.

As expected of the CGI of the western world, it is impressive and well blended into the real world unlike the previous chinese movie that I reviewed. See below....


As previously spoken on the music of movies, there were about 2 or 3 moments when I noticed that the music was pretty apt and adding to the experience. Hence there is nothing to fault and as a whole the music added much to the movie.


When rated separately as a drama and a action flick, this show would merely rate about a 4, but the length as well as the flow of the show in these two genre was pretty good and for a combined genre I guess the rating should be higher.


Storyline                   : 4 (Combined two genre for best ticket sales, but of course both sides not as good)
Character                 : 4 (I'm sorry but the acting and script of the boy got to me)
Cinematography       : 4.5 (Good effects, good angles, good immersiveness)
Music                       : 4 (Good moments of music, but no lasting impression in the end)
Spectacle                  : 4.5 (Combining genre and should satisfy both action and emotional camps)

Overall                      : 4.2 (Lovers of the two genres individually will be able to enjoy this show, people who appreciate the combined genre will enjoy the show more, but if u really wanna find faults and trouble with this show, or want to expect the best of both worlds, you might be slightly disappointed. Overall, most people will be able to enjoy this show as the two individual genre caters to the largest majority of the population already, and its done reasonably well)

Please comment if you have anything you want to say. even if u just agree with me you can say it too :D

Till next time

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