Sunday, December 4, 2011

Series: Fringe

Series: Fringe

Its been quite a while since I reviewed a show, one reason is that there ain't many spectacular movies that are coming out the last few days, the other reason is that there is no one to see movies with. Probably the movie of the last few days would be twilight, and i expect to see it probably in the next month or so. But since there is no movies for me to review currently, I decided to continue my reviews on series. This time, its slightly different from crimebusting criminal minds, slightly, only cause it is still crime busting, but this show is a bit more sci-fi, and generally more fun.


Status : Currently ongoing
Seasons : 4 as of 4th December 2011
Episodes per season : ~20
Length of each episode : 43 minutes
Genre : Crime solving, Thriller, Sci fiction, Drama


This show caught my eye when it was made known to me that this show has it emphasis on many kinds of fringe science. For those who do not know what fringe science is, this is the definition as according to wikipedia. Basically, science is generally all types of very established theories and laws. For example gravity is something that is very established as we experience it every day. But, when we start to talk about anti gravity, to be able to float above or to switch the gravitational pull that is acting on us, now that is fringe science. Interestingly, some ideas that we have today were actually considered fringe science a long time ago. For example in-vitro fertilization would probably have been fringe science before it was made into a reality today. Cryostasis is also something that much research is being put into and who knows, maybe this is something that might actually happen some fine day.

Here is the opening theme where you can actually see some of the fringe sciences of today.

Notice the top right corner opening, that is the opening sequence used during one of the episodes whereby they went back into the future. So if you look closely, you can see what was probably considered fringe science just a few decades ago.

Also take note that throughout the series, the main scientist of the show would actually draw some very interesting ways to understand fringe science. One of the memorable ones that I heard was his explanation on if whether it is possible to pass through solid objects. He basically used a beaker of rice and placed a toy soldier on it. Then he basically vibrated the beaker and the soldier was able to disappear into the rice. So if we consider our body to be made out of particles, if we vibrated it at the same frequency as the wall, it would be possible to pass through the empty spaces of molecules. Complicated? Well thats why hes a scientist :)

Dr Walter and his lab
This is what you will keep seeing

Ok before you start getting too bored with science, here is the review.


So as was highlighted above, this show falls under the genre of crime solving, only thing is that all the crimes that happen comes with a fringe science twist. So instead of normal bombings or killings, we start talking about cryostasis bombs, and killings done by less human humans. Or at least humans that have been experimented on that kind of stuff. 

There is also some emphasis on different methods of getting information, for example early in the series, we see them trying to extract information from a dead body by virtue of embedded memory by the currents that flow around in the brain neurons. So basically, this show is a lot of fun being distinct from other story by its good use of science.

This is not an action show however, so you won't see things such as firefights and that kind of stuff. Its more of a thriller in terms of concept and how it is used in the show. There is also some drama here and there between the characters.

However, one thing to note is that as the series goes along, it starts to dive into issues like time travel and also parallel universes. So one fact about parallel universes is that when you start talking about what happens when you do things in this universe and how it will affect the other universe it will start to get confusing. This is the gist and the main attraction factor of the 3rd season. However, at least the story is still pretty easy to follow with regards to this aspect and the parallel universe do add to the intrigue and fun of the show.

The series also puts in episodes that are more catered to fun and entertaining their fan base. For example there is the token musical episode where everything is done in song, as well as one episode where it moves from real life into animation.


Characters in this show are very interesting also. First of all, the show doesn't neglect the fact that all the characters are working together and hence grow in feelings and affections for each other. So we can see a level of relationship building that aids in the immersion of the show.

Also this show does not portray all its characters as invulnerable and unrealistic. So there are seasons and episodes whereby certain characters are killed, injured. The fun part of science fiction however is that it is possible to still bring back the characters although they might come from a different time and space.

Also, the characteristics of certain characters also change as they come from different universes and this adds a bit more entertainment value. In fact, the character with the biggest and most amusing change was actually quite a minor character in season one,  also due to the fact that her original character was supposed to be one who likes to keep a low profile.


Like i said earlier, the show Cinematography is pretty versatile and they even do musical episodes and animation episodes. So generally, the cinematography is pretty well above average. Further more, the actors themselves do a very good job of portraying different personalities in a very convincing manner. The main character in fact, at a moment in the show becomes possessed by someone who is not her, and she is able to bring out the essence of the possessing person in a very fun manner. 

Points to note however is that the show generally always takes place in enclosed areas, so you won't usually see anything that is too striking or pretty, but that is urban life for you anyway. 

There are however a few episodes whereby there is no progression of the underlying story and its merely one of the other episodes whereby they just reveal a new fringe science idea and show you how it is solved.


Besides the musical episode, there is no real particular emphasis on music during the show except at some points before they go into commercial they kinda do a cliff hanger music kind of thing. Still, it doesn't detract away from the show in anyway.


For a show whose emphasis is on sci fiction, I would say that the level of understanding required to enter the show is not particularly high, therefore it is more comfortable for any normal common people to enjoy and see the show. The explanations are also welcome to help people who are interested to know more, be more immersed into the show. 

The thrilling factor is also there, provided you are thrilled by science and the possibilities of the fringe sciences. No action sequences are particularly outlandish, so this is probably not the show for pure action freaks though.

In terms of the drama between the characters, this show also does it very well and hence people are able to fill like they really know the characters, be it the present universe ones or the alternate universe characters.


For a show that requires much scientific content, I would personally say that it would be hard to maintain the show when all the fringe ideas are exhausted. 4 seasons into the show, I would say that things that I have known have pretty much already been used in the show. So its really hard to say whether this movie can continue to remain fresh when the ideas in reality are limited. Unless they are going to dive further in and create new concepts or ideas.


Plot                       : 4.5 (Plot is new for a series, also pretty well done)
Character              : 4.5 (Characters are very believable and also you get two of every character)
Cinematography   : 4.0 (Actors do a very good job, but I guess overall there could be feeling that everything looks the same after a while)
Music                    : 3.5 (Music is not of any particular emphasis, but at least it is visible)
Spectacle             : 4.5 (For all the listed genres, this show does a good job)
Longevity              : 3.5 (I personally feel that the ideas are running out. Who knows what could happen)

Overall                  : 4.1 (Fans of the genre will be able to enjoy and be immersed in this world of science fiction, being entertained by the idea and concepts of "what ifs and possibilities". Lovers of action however would probably not be as entertained. Its a show that really caters to a specified audience. However the drama is also pretty good so it allows entry of other people who want a good story line in general)

Here is two of the characters for your viewing pleasure.

You are not seeing double, it is the same actress for both of them 

Heres the review for fringe, a show that is still under my list of shows that i see. Hope to hear your views and comments :)

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