Saturday, February 4, 2012

Movies: Chronicles

Movies: Chronicles


Hi all again, it has been quite some time since I did a review because i didnt have the time to catch movies for a bit. But now I am back again with another review of a show that just came out pretty recently, a confusingly named show called Chronicles!

Its not the chronicles of riddick, neither is it the chronicles of narnia or some show about the bible, but rather this show tries to chronicle this fella or 3 people actually, into a life of how they become from someone ordinary, to extraordinary.

Heres the movie poster to brighten up the blog a bit

As you can see, its three very unassuming ordinary boys or guys that have nothing that particularly stands out besides the fact that one of them is black. (Just stating, not to be racist)

For a show that lacks any fanfare as well as big names, i guess it will be good to tell you guys that this show falls under the category of thriller, with minimal action (There still is some) and to some extent drama. The filming style also follows that of perspective, i.e the show tries to express its storyline via carried cameras abiet like cloverfield. As for the effect of this method on the show itself, continue reading to find out more.


I for one feel that the storyline is pretty normal, but the way it is told adds a bit more immersion. Also this movie does not try to create a happy ending like all super powered mutant kinda show, as it strives to give a more realistic view of what could happen if an ordinary person or 3 of them actually, gets superpowers and provides one plausible outcome.

However, due to the story telling nature of the show, it really takes its time to build up towards the climax and does very ordinary things that would hardly be considered entertaining, but necessary for immersion sake.


This whole story is actually focussed on character development. The choice of the 3 character types and their behavior and traits are fine, although it could be more fun should they try to differentiate the two other characters more from the main character dude. Hence in some way, the two other character feel that they might be lacking in some development which would have added to the immersion value and entertainment.

Also there is a seemingly random addition of a girl that seems to just be for the sake of meeting some quota that a show must have a female presence. Her addition to the show doesn't seem to add much to the value of the show.


The filming style of this show serves its purpose well. Also it on-ups the other shows by actually incorporating the camera's and the ability of the main character to give some pretty interesting angles that add to the immersive value of the show. Interestingly, the action sequence when it comes, is actually pretty interestingly done and very impactful. Pity there was a bit too little of action throughout the show or it could actually appeal to the action loving crowd more.


Music is non existent, but sound effects are pretty loud and impactful. This is probably a good move for a show filmed and shown using the perspective method as you don't expect to hear music in your own life as you go around your daily business anyway.


As far as what i believe the show is trying to express, i.e. a perspective of what would happen when a person gets super powers, from beginning to end. I would have to say it does a pretty good job actually in bringing that across in a more immersive then usual manner. This show is about telling a story, and with that aspect, it is kinda hard to go wrong.


Storyline               : 3.5 (Usually ordinary story with a more unique twist at the back)
Character             : 3.5 (Develops its main characters fine, but could be even better)
Cinematography   : 4.0 (Special style of story telling that suits the aim of the show)
Music                    : 3.0 (Probably non-existent, but having music will in fact harm the style)
Spectacle              : 4.0 (Does what it wanted to do fine, can always be better)

Overall                : 3.6 (Overall, this show will entertain people who enjoy immersive drama with the plotline being specifically about how a person gets his power and develops it. However, its not an action movie and thus action fans will not like it. I would say that the audience that this show might attract is really tiny and if you are not someone who loves story telling with special powers, it will be hard to enjoy it.)

Any comments please feel free to add em. Plus if there is anything else that you feel i could review :)

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