Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Movies: Prometheus

Movies: Prometheus

There has been many space movies in the past, where by people get sent to far away places for reasons such as looking for a new inhabitable place, or running away from a destroyed earth, to mere science discovery. This  movie is titled and pictured to be something to that effect, with nothing more to reveal except this in the poster

Yep you see it is nothing more then a giant head. The vagueness of this movie helps to keep the entire movie fresh and allows you to see the movie in all its innovation and creativeness without any prejudice... at least till the end of the show where you will see something pretty interesting, and for many, it will mean little, but for a select few, you will know what i mean. Either way here is the review that I would say stands alone for this movie with no outside prejudices or biasness or influences.

Storyline 3/5

Like I said earlier this genre and the general storyline has been explored pretty extensively with most of them sharing a common storyline i.e. Have some reason to visit another planet, suddenly meet with issues on the new planet or on the ship itself, crew starts to get killed due to various reasons, some fine character will survive and solve the issue of people dying.

So this show does nothing extra ordinary as it really follows this line pretty closely. It also seems to be closer to the sci fi thriller genre as compared to an action flick as there is generally not too much action action as most of the kills or deaths are clearly one sided. So read... THIS IS NOT STAR WARS... there is no light saber no beam rifles that kinda stuff ok!

This show also does not feed you information and keeps many things ambiguous for your own creative juices to keep flowing. Up to the end, there is still little information on what exactly happened. Cruel in some way but if you really understand where they are coming from you will be able to appreciate the whole thing. Furthermore, this should be the reality of sci fi where by you might not always get answers because we don't really have all the answers in the first place. Of course whether this makes for a more enjoyable show is however pretty debatable.

Character 3/5

It is pretty clear during the show which are supposed to be the important characters.... and then they start to kill off characters and suddenly even the seemingly thought to be important character dies. This is the advantage of this kind of show being that it can be more realistic in the body count.

There are also some characters who from the beginning to the end stay very mysterious. There are many other supporting characters that are averagely distinct from each other but due to their short screen time, it is understandable that many of their backgrounds are not very well introduced. I guess this would be because the real focus of this show is not the people, but rather the introduction of a new notion of possible outer space life and what it would possibly be like.

There are also several things that happen to particular characters throughout the show that people might find somewhat impossible or at least improbable. So this detracts slightly from full immersion into the show due to the sense of things happening just for story sake.

Cinematography 4/5

This is one section whereby this show does very well actually. In fact at the beginning it could even double out as a tourism advertisement given the grandeur of the shots. However, as the show continues to go on, the show loses focus on trying to give the audience improved perspective and loses the chance to add immersiveness and overall enjoyment of the show which i feel is a waste. But overall, the epic shots in the show are still pretty good, and the CGI are done pretty well to give the sci fi feel about the show.

Music 4/5

This is another surprise for the genre in that music is actually pretty prevalent in many scenes of the movie, and even plays a single major part in the plot of the show. As a result the immersiveness is somewhat increased in that knowing that it is a completely different environment within the confines of the space ship as compared to when you are really out there on another planet.

Spectacle 3.5/5

With regards to spectacle, this show does pretty ok when you look at the other movies of this genre.Then later when you reach closer to the end, you realize a sudden bigger picture that will probably impress you if you understand it. As a result the true score should be like a 3 for those who won't get the full picture, and the rest who see the big picture would probably rate is a 4 or a 4.5. I would say that it is still better to not spoil the story and to watch it yourself because it will help to view this movie independently as a sci fi exploration movie which is what it is supposed to be in essence. Unfortunately, this would mean that fans of the action genre lover would not be as entertained by this movie.


Story                    : 3 (Storyline is generic, but it is really an introductory piece if you know what i mean)
Characters           : 3 (Character development is tiny, and some stuff are a bit out of place but like what i said, this is probably not the focus of this movie in the first place)
Cinematography  : 4 (Good shots all around, but can be improved)
Music                   : 4 (Good use of music to add immersiveness)
Spectacle              : 3.5 (In between depending on whether you can understand the whole story of the show)

Overall                 : 3.5 (Overall this show is hard to advertise because of the fact that people who know the bigbig story of this movie are probably the only people who can really understand this. If you don't understand the main story or overarcing story, this will merely be just a simple space exploration show with just a bit too little action then usual. Overall I would say the best way to enjoy this is just go there and expect to be introduced to a new notion of space and planetary life of the future. Don't be expecting anything too much besides then. Then when the show end and if you understand the whole context, then it is just a bonus for you.)

Seen the show? Any comments? Don't hesitate to share it :D

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