Saturday, December 15, 2012

Movies: Hobbit


Finally, the next "installment" to the Lord of the Rings Franchise is here. Focus is no longer on the tall humans and pointy eared elfs, but rather on the cutsy hobbit and his dwarven friends.

None the less this show of the many vertically challenged people gives a different angle into the world of the Lord of the Rings. So should lovers of the LOTR franchise find 169 minutes to see the entire show? And if you see it, would you really get what you want? Read on to find out.

Storyline 3/5

Storyline... to be honest, it is really really similar to the LOTR. Basically the whole purpose of everything is revealed at the beginning, the whole gang wants to take back their castle. LOTR was, the whole gang wanted to get rid of ring. So on that aspect there is little room for twists and turns. Probably not a show for that either considering the books that have been out for a long time.

With that fact out in the open, the Hobbits is merely a show that documents the path that this gang takes all the way to meet their goal, and the many many things that they meet along the way. Considering that this is going to be a trilogy and the aim is already revealed, it would be pretty safe to say that they are going to meet with many many many many many things till they reach their goal.

Problem that is faced by the Hobbit is that the LOTR world is already so well fleshed out and shown previously, that there is little to really bring this show apart.. Yea they do go into big mountains where things happen but besides that there is not really a lot of new introduction to keep things fresh.

Actions scenes are relatively little and they tend to be really cluttered with nothing particularly unique happening unlike the previous LOTR that had the benefit of having giant epic war scenes to cater to the action fans. But storyline wise, these battles are expected and nothing really unique or with twists given the clear cut good vs bad battles.

At times, I would even go as far to say the storyline dived into being draggy with little extra entertainment value. Perhaps there are many aspects of the book that i missed out...

Characters 3.5/5

As compared to the previous fellowship of the ring with the 4 hobbits 1 wizard 1 dwarf 1 elf and 2 humans, this movie just uses 12 dwarfs 1 wizard and 1 hobbit. 9 vs 12 people means that for the 12 people there is a lot less time to flesh them out.

Other characters do make a nice cameo and play minor parts in the movie but perhaps the only character that really added to the show would be gollum and his strange eccentric ways. The rest didnt leave much impression on me. Its more like a movie with 1 dwarf 1 hobbit 1 wizard and tons of filler dwarfs to put it clearly.

Cinematography 3.5/5

This is supposed to be one of the selling points of this movie, but as far as it seems, there could have been a lot more done to add to its action value. The current movie is just a mish mash of far away shots, and closed in shots, then back to far away shots and back to closed in shots. A bit of a waste given the ability and opportunities of this show to do much more then that. Not forgetting the large budget.

Music 4/5

Music however is still as fantastic as it was. Using original and rehashed tracks that still bring about the charm that we remember in the previous LOTR movies, the music really add to the feeling and atmosphere of the LOTR world.

Spectacle 3/5

Using two aspects to look at this show, action plus story telling, the show seems lacking in both. In honesty, at the end of the show i was thinking to myself, was that it? there was hardly any progress made in the movie. On the other hand, was there any action that made me say oh wow that's impressive... I would only go so far as to say some battles were just not bad but as a whole, pretty forgettable.

I would say that this movie has tough shoes to fill as it comes after the LOTR franchise. Had it been the other way, this movie would have stood out, but now it is nothing more then a simple side story telling with everything else toned down.

Storyline                : 3 (It's simple but really a bit too little for the time and content given)
Characters             : 3.5 (Too many dwarfs, but we have no clue who they really are)
Cinematography    : 3.5 (Expected LOTR shots, but could have really done more spectacularly)
Music                     : 4 (Good music as expected of a movie of this budget)
Spectacle               : 3 (Sadly, it feels really lacking and unsatisfying for me at the end although there still were many people that were full of praises for the movie. I guess I might have expected a bit too much from this)

Overall : 3.4 ( I would say that this score is pretty accurate. For LOTR real fans, this would be a good show to see even for the reason of passing the time because you can be assured u have 2 more installments in the movie to see. For those who do not care about the LOTR franchise, it might be a bit harder for you to enjoy this movie. For action fans, you could be moderately appeased but if you liked LOTR action, then this show might be a bit of a downer. Don't set your expectations too high and you probably still could enjoy this movie.)

Do you guys feel the same way? Share your comments ya :)

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