Thursday, January 22, 2015

Movies: Into the Woods

Movies: Into the Woods

Disney is at it again. After doing the twist in Maleficient whereby they made the bad woman good, they are now trying this new idea. Oh what will happen if we combine some of our stories together... like maybe Jack and the Bean Stalk, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella... wait lets put a baker inside just for fun... and Oh maybe just put Rapunzel inside!! That's what this movie is about.. Wait.. lets not do it like a traditional movie.. LETS DO IT IN SONG!!!!!

Actually into the woods is a broadway musical but not as well known as those like Les Miserable. But for the usual uncultured people like us, this would probably be our first foray into the movie. So how did this movie perform? Read on to find out more!

Woo! It's a scary witchie!! But without this witchie there won't really be a movie...

Storyline 3.5/5

It's quite a seemless integration of the entire movie but the thing the movie had to do was to cut down some storylines. So you would see Cinderella story but very little of Jack and the Bean Stalk. It's a fun combination and the movie actually continues after the first happy ending part which was pretty good because it was fresh material from then on. However, the story at that part was pretty weak and some things that happen didn't really have any proper explanation. Also note that this movie follows the Grimm version of the movie so it is slightly slightly morbid as according to the Brothers' Grimm version.

The other big problem this movie has is that the audience will need to have good knowledge of what happened in the stories so that they will know what is happening. The biggest offender of this is Jack and the Bean Stalk again.

All in all, the storyline is fine especially if you know the fairy tale involved but if you don't know the stories, you can't enjoy this movie as much.

Character 3.5/5

As you realise, there are some movies that can spend the full 2 hours on a single fairy tale. For this, they need to squeeze 3 - 5 storylines together and as a result there are scenes and parts that cannot be focused and elaborated on.

Nonetheless, all the involved characters are distinct and unique in the character types which made for quite a bit of fun in how they interacted with each other.

It's also quite fun to see how their storylines intertwined with each other but the movie had to make some strange stretches to allow their characters to meet each other.

Cinematography 3.5/5

The angle this movie worked on was being fun and entertaining as expected from a musical and they did this well. It won't be anything impressive with the many close ups of people's lips vibrating from emotion but that's what you usually see in movie musicals.

Music 4/5

Musical obviously have good music. In fact, for a good whole 3/4 of the movie its all music and song and music and song. It's those kind where by no one can talk properly and it must all be done in song. However, after the "happy ever after" part, the movie will actually go into a portion with slightly too much talking which is strange in a musical movie.

Still, the lyrics and singing style made the overall experience a pretty good one as they used different kind of genre to bring out uniqueness in the character. Not a entirely large genre but it has a musical feel to it.

Spectacle 4/5

Overall, this movie was a good entertaining musical with its fun and even funny lyrics and good expressions from the actor and actresses. Only flaw is that if you see the trailer, you might not have realised that this was a musical and if you weren't expecting a musical, or HATE musicals, this might be a painful experience to you.

The other draw is the way it twines all the fairy tales together into one continuous narrative which is pretty seamless. But besides that, this movie has nothing else going for it.


Storyline: 3.5 (Pretty interesting way of intertwining, but some things just happen for the story sake and it was not entirely logical or continuous)
Character: 3.5 (Characters were all nicely distinct but they had to share the screen time)
Cinematography: 3.5 (Musical focused so you won't see anything awe inspiring, but it works fine.)
Music: 4 (Nice lyrics, nice tunes but there was some parts that was too much normal talk!)
Spectacle: 4 (Interesting story line told in a singing way for a unique twist, added much entertainment value to the movie)

Overall: 3.7 (A pretty accurate rating for this movie. Basically, if you are a lover of musicals, you will like this movie quite a bit as it puts good music alongside a pretty unique storyline. If you are a storyline lover that doesn't hate music on the other hand, you can still focus and appreciate the artistic flair in joining the stories seamlessly although there are some hiccups here and there in continuity. If you are looking for action and anything else however, you might just find this movie a bit too painful and slow to sit thru. So don't see this movie if you hate music and expect people to actually talk to each other properly. Don't be led astray by movie trailers and the lack of emphasis that "THIS IS A MUSICAL")

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