Thursday, June 11, 2015

Movies: Jurassic World

Movies: Jurassic World

If at first glance, you thought that this movie sounded familiar, then you must be from the same generation as me! Indeed it has actually been a cool 22 YEARS since the first Jurassic park was shown (1993). In fact, from its most recent Jurassic park it was already 14 years ago. Yep. Jurassic Park III was actually shown in 2001. After that, there's been some TV series, but no there were no serious contender to the Jurassic park series... until now! And in case you are confused at the name change, no worries, Jurassic world indeed was made to be a continuation of the Jurassic Park series.

So how did the movie go? was this a good reboot to the series? Lets break it down and take a look

Storyline 3.5/5

Well.. considering that the previous similar storyline was done nearly 22 years ago.. I would say that the storyline is somewhat refreshing. It's not totally new, but it has not been done for such a long time we can consider this a fresh start. Especially for those who didn't see the first few Jurassics, you will find this a very thought provoking and interesting storyline.

There were a few portions of the movie whereby the the characters (humans and dinos alike) did not really follow the logical path of action but it was all for the purpose of making the movie much longer and entertaining experience so don't be too critical to be expecting a movie that completely does not raise any brows in disbelief.

There is a fair bit of entertainment value and amusement in the conversations and happenings throughout the movie including the tense portions but there is also the addition of the obligatory love story blahblah thing that I would say was just slightly detracting from the movie. The pace is not fully action packed and a good part of slightly more then the first half of the movie is to introduce you to the new theme park that is Jurassic World and it was somewhat slower paced at the beginning. However, once it picks up into the action, it keeps it that way till the end.

Character 3/5

Character also runs into the similar problem as storyline, meaning that the development of the character does not really follow logical progression. It may be overthinking it a little but you probably won't feel as much connection to the characters as to the dinosaurs themselves honestly.

Nonetheless, they are playing the family stick together storyline style and I guess its passable in general although this is nothing that will steal the show.

Cinematography 4.5/5

Good cinematography and its very cool at how they make use the of the special abilities of the dinosaur in the movie itself. There are also a lot of noteworthy action shots and even first person shooter style that look like it could come out from game itself.

There are also a lot of great shots to show the overall scale of the world with dinosaurs involved and it really adds to the enjoyable experience. You will be able to appreciate the scale of the world when you have dinosaurs in the picture and like what the movie wants to do, you will learn how small we humans would have been comparatively.

Music 4/5

One major smart movie that the movie did was to make use of the all familiar sound track from the very first Jurassic park to bring about the nostalgic feeling to the audience who have last seen this movie close to 2 centuries ago.

Overall also, the music is noticeable in immersing the audience into the lull that is the Jurassic THEME park before throwing you into the real Jurassic everything goes to hell park.

Spectacle 4/5

Considering how rare a movie of this scale is nowadays, this is really a refreshing improvement and difference to the usual action movie that is merely man on man or man on monster. It also does a fine job of introducing u to a world where maybe theme parks will be different, and yet how it can go so very very wrong. Action is done pretty well in this movie with a nice climatic finish in the end that will most likely entertain u pretty well.

Sadly, its story is not as intriguing and merely serves just as a medium to get the story across due to the many inconsistencies in the usual logical paths or action that characters will take. Nonetheless, the shots and action part makes up for it leading to a very enjoyable dinosaur movie.


Storyline: 3.5 (Good enough storyline, has some inconsistencies but overall flowing.)
Character: 3 (Not easy to relate to character story lines and somewhat cliché. Ironically, the dinosaurs may attract more emotional connection then the humans)
Cinematography: 4 (Good epic and action shots, even better then some action movies out there)
Music: 4 (Good usage of music to bring out nostalgic effects, also helps audience immerse)
Spectacle: 4 (Been too long since there was a dinosaur movie and that alone helped it score high. Only let down was the overall story direction)

Overall: 3.7 (I would say that this is definite a good action show and a way to spend about 2 hours of the day if you have nothing superb to do. You will probably enjoy this movie even more if you saw the first 3 movies and can appreciate how times have changed and the movie pretext has advanced through the years. In fact, if you plan to see this, take a few days and watch the first 3 movies with your pals and friends first and you should be able to enjoy this movie even more. Just don't expect too much or a too spectacular kind of storyline and you should be all set for this movie)

Next movie on the list is Minions and hopefully I can get the review up ASAP! Thanks all for reading and comment if there is anything!!

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