Thursday, July 30, 2015

Movies: Inside Out

Movies: Inside Out

Whoa whoa whoaa... wait a minute, is this movie even out yet?? Well if I have seen it, it means it must be out somewhere! And this time, for the first time, you are gonna have a review of a movie that is not even out in Singapore yet! I feel like a real movie critic/reviewer now! And here goes!

Ever wonder what is going on inside your head? Wondering where all the different feelings come from? Well Pixar/Disney have figured a way to perhaps explain what goes on inside your head and it does more then that, it even goes one step further and even explain how come someone may even lose all feeling and how your feelings change over time. Any more information will be spoilers for all so let me just get into the review and keep it as spoiler free as possible!

The 5 feelings, Fear, Anger, Joy, Sadness and Disgust... guess which is the cutest!
Will tell you all which is the cutest at the end of the review!!

Storyline 4.5/5

Admittedly, this is a pretty strong scoring. However, after you see it, its quite likely you will agree with me because the way the story is written, it not only caters to the kids (like traditional disney movies) but this one also caters very strongly to the parent and adult crowd so that you will not feel as if you are bringing your kids out for a movie that you might not enjoy yourself. It's intelligent writing makes it entertaining and self reflecting to everyone of the various ages in the family.

If you can't really get what i mean, then you can try seeing this movie and you will know what I mean!  The storyline is kept pretty personal from start to end and it also has numerous amusing portions that actually gives a disney explanation why we feel or react in certain ways.

Character 4/5

This movie may appear to only have 5 main characters but in reality, of those 5, although all have their own uniqueness, not all have equal screen time nor are all 5 impactful. There are additional characters added during the movie and some may have even more impact than these main characters. If there was a bit more emphasis on the 5 feelings it would have scored higher.

Nonetheless, the main focal characters (2 feelings) and one of the additional character not featured in the poster will bring out most of the "feels" of the movie.

Cinematography 4/5

Its not an action flick, but the way the movie is told is pretty immersing in making you identify with the human characters of the movie and the way the brain works.

Disney using pretty good panning outward shots to feature how vast the different aspects of the mind are that we all should be able to identify with and this adds quite good believabilty to the audience.

Music 3.5/5

The story is the main focus of this movie although you will notice how the music is used to evoke stronger feelings from the audience. Good or bad, that depends on how cool you want to look after the movie. (i.e. real man don't cry)

Spectacle 4.5/5

This movie gets high points based on the applicability of the story to both the adult and kid audience which is not an easy feat. Add to it the various minor effects (music, cinematography) to invoke the thought process of the older audience makes this a really immersive experience that both audience types will appreciate. Like many disney movies that focus on the importance of friends/family/love etc. this movie's focus on family is very strong, and well brought out that you may even return from the movie learning how to cherish what you have and better live your life.

Yep, its that kind of meaningful movie.


Storyline: 4.5 (Strong story that caters to adults even more then kids, its not easy to do that) 
Characters: 4 (Has potential to have included more of the characters but does above average nonetheless)
Cinematography: 4 (Smart use of perspective and high camera shots to explain the human mind)
Music: 3.5 (Its definitely there aiding the audience in feeling what the directions want them to feel, any better, this movie may get too emotion)
Spectacle: 4.5 (A movie that is quite high above the rest in terms of storyline for the family audience. The rest of the movie aspects add more audience immersiveness and personal feelings which works well for this movie. This is probably all the movie was intending to do and it did it well enough!)
Overall: 4.1(Its not an action movie so don't go there with an all guy group preferably. For those with significant others, or those with kids, this will probably be the movie for you, in fact it probability will be more thought provoking for you then your kids. Nonetheless, the kids will enjoy the color and fun of the movie, while you will enjoy the story. If you want to see a girl cry, this may be a good opportunity. Don't say I didn't warn you ah!)

And to close off, the winner of the cutie contest is....... this little blue fella! Watch the movie and see if you will agree with me!

Time to slack off and wallow in self pity...

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