Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Movies: In Time

Movies: In Time


Although this show is already ending its run, since i seen the show, I felt that i should at least write something about this show so that for those who have seen it they can see how someone else feels about the show, and more importantly for those who didn't see it, they can put to ease the question whether this show was worth the time and did they miss anything important.

So here is a poster showing this fella who acts in this show

Whoa is that Justin Timberlake? apparently so... and this shows that singing might not necessary work out as a lifelong job.

This show, if you seen the trailers has a very interesting premise, that is... the world is a different world from what we have, whereby the currency in this world is time. So coffee costs time, bus costs time and you get the idea. You also get paid in time and its pretty interesting to consider if you are paid 24 hours a day you cannot spend any time on anything or else you are slowly but surely moving towards death. Then apparently you can take time by touching onto someone and focusing real hard. Probably not a good idea in Singapore or entering the MRT circle line at Bishan might become a very risky affair with all the pushing and squeezing and all that kinda stuff...

Ok enough of thinking, time for the review


To be honest, its really hard to define what genre the show falls under. Could it be sci fi cause its talking about the future? Could it be action since there is some running here and there and shooting here and there? Could it be thriller cause its talking about how people are losing time and how time is of the essence? Musical cause Justin Timberlake is inside? Ok the last one is impossible but you get the idea.

The only thing this show really has going for it is really the concept. It spends a chunk of the earlier movie time to introduce the world and this is really entertaining if you ask me. A world whereby people wanna steal time, earn time, use time. In fact this was the part that probably attracted me to see the movie in the first place.

Unfortunately, besides the interesting concept, everything else is pretty bland. Sure all the old people look 25 and your grandma will look like your sister and your mother.. and your great great great grandma might be alive also. But this show lacks in doing anything particularly impressive. Instead it just follows a standard robin hood like story that can be done in any other world or universe.


Characters are also sadly, veryvery bland. In fact the actress is close to the realms of being hateable. Not entirely sure whether the character script was supposed to be like that but she is so robotic and kinda bimbotic in many ways and that causes some cringes when seeing the show.

Heres how she looks and if u cringe at this sight you will be glad you didnt see this show...

The more interesting mother storyline was ended a bit too quick also and the rest of the show was just going through the motion with nothing really done to interest the audience. So the movie follows these two fellas that are in the poster but I cannot remember anything at all that was impressive or particularly entertaining.


Cinematography was ok. At least since the whole show was just following these two people, it was never confusing at all. Nothing impressive either though they do make some attempts at good shots. But still nothing wowing.


Music was normal, at least it did not hinder the show in anyway.


Concept wise this show really had too much potential... too bad it was cleanly wasted towards the end of the show. In fact I could say that 1/2 of the show was worth seeing but the 2nd half it started to really get ordinary which was a bigbig waste.

One thing that might be unique however is how some people might be able to reference the spending of time on how we waste our time in our world. Like maybe we are just gambling our time away, every time we gamble what we are really using is time, having too much time or assuming we have a lot of time will cause us to become alcholics and die earlier then our time, or maybe having too much time and no way to spend it in quality is really worthless. So its better to live a short quality life then a long meaningless one.


Storyline               : 3.5 (Good concept, but lost to find out what exactly did they want to emphasize on)
Character              : 2.5 (Really really average characters that annoyed more then entertained)
Cinematography   : 3 (Average shots and attempts)
Music                    : 3 (Average music)
Spectacle              :  3.5 (Really just the concept, and it did entertain when it was all about concept)

Overall                  : 3.1  (This show is really hit or miss. Since it doesn't fulfill any specific genre well, its really hard to say if you could enjoy it. The only way for more assurance you will enjoy it would be to have pretty much too little expectation, and perhaps look forward to just contemplating what the world would be like should we be paying in time.)

As usual any comments please leave below :)

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