Monday, November 7, 2011

Movies: Tower Heist

Movies: Tower Heist


Tower Heist... the movie that sounds all very actiony until you see who are the starring people. Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy. If you don't know who that is just look at the rest of the cast and you will realise that this is a show that should not be taken too seriously. In fact, I would go as far as to say that if you take this show any bit more seriously you will not be able to enjoy this show at all.

Just for interest sake, do you realise that there is a dog in this picture? I didn't until just now. And I do mean a dog as in a real dog animal. I am not being racist or anything like that.

For those who do not know Eddie Murphy, this is what he is more famous for...

Just look at the face... ain't they a bit similar?

So the gist of the show is as so, there are this bunch of people working in this tower. Stuff happens and then they want to rob the big boss of the tower. So the entertainment here is to see how normal staff workers transform into robbers with minimal training and nothing more then the desire to succeed.

So into the review we go


Storyline to be honest is really pretty standard. Discontent employees, rich employer. Does something wrong and leads them to want to bite the hand that feeds them. They enlist help, get some assistance here and there. It doesn't break any new boundaries to the idea although this show focuses more or at least tries to focus more on the comical aspect as opposed to an action movie with all the cool gadgetry and moves.


As can be seen from the poster itself, there are many characters and to be fair they do have a wee bit of back story as to why they do the things that they do. Unfortunately there are a few that are still a bit too ordinary and we have no real clue why they are even participating in the first place at least to me. The dog also has no real part at all in the show besides looking cute.

A few are hardly even funny... ok actually only Eddie is slightly funny to me. The rest are really just too ordinary. The characters kinda take themselves too seriously at certain times also and some do not participate in making the show funny at all. It also gets somewhat confusing whether some characters are really helping the heist or against the heist.


There are a few above average shots but nothing that really stands out or brings out the comedic effect to the audience. Also there are alot of shifts from the theives to the boss that are just messy and really disorientating to be honest.


Music is ordinary, nothing too impressive. Nothing that hinders the show too.


Its unfortunate to say that overall, this show brings out hardly anything that is expected of their genre. Is it thriller? no it was entirely bland. Is it action? no.. there are no strong action scenes and since these guys are amateurs they don't do any impressive stuff. Is it comedy? well.... i would say its borderline or even below average in this aspect as the only memorable thing that was mildly funny was that Eddie talks so fast that its funny. Its not even the content that he was saying that was funny. Of course there are SOME scenes that were funny too in the show but i guess in some way, this show took itself a BIT too seriously and didn't make use of enough opportunities to be funny.


Storyline              : 3 (Really too ordinary, unable to use the plot to bring out comedic effect)
Character             : 3 (Tried to diversify the character but results in no one having particularly good and believable coherent characters)
Cinematography  : 2 (Sad to say, it became annoying with all the jumps to and fro.)
Music                   : 3 (At least it didn't bring the show backwards)
Spectacle              : 3 (To be honest, nothing should get below 3 unless it actually goes against its own genre and hence deserves a negative score which i feel is extremely hard to do)

Overall                  : 2.8 (A score that barely passes, the lowest score that I have given. So what does this score mean? Basically it means that even fans of the genre might not be able to enjoy this show unless u are a real Eddie Murphy fan or just have tons of money and no expectation. There's really alot of  tweaks that should have been done to make it more funny or do something more unique, either way if you have zero expectation you could still possibly enjoy the show but I won't guarantee it)

Disagree with me? feel free to comment then :)

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